Willson Mo – Deputy General Manager, Porsche Centre Shenzhen Longgang & Porsche City Service Centre Shenzhen Futian, Jebsen Motors
While tastes may change over time, the one thing that has remained the same throughout my career is my straightforward work ethic – I am all about proactive communication and problem-solving. Although I may be an introvert, I treat all my colleagues and friends with sincerity. This has been my style since day one, and will be here to stay.
As a self-proclaimed food enthusiast, I enjoy exploring all kinds of cuisine around the world beyond that of my native Cantonese. However, I have come to realise that the best meals may not always be those serving up the finest delicacies or ingredients – rather, it is the effect of the people you dine with. In developing my diverse palate, I find myself translating the philosophy of culinary appreciation into my personal work ethic as well.
Just as a chef carefully selects his ingredients to create the perfect dish, great management is delegating team members wisely to make the most of the wide variety of skills and experiences that each person brings to the table. Shenzhen is a migrant city, meaning that our staff come from all over the country – our CRM and Showroom Managers hail from Xinjiang, and our Futian Sales Manager a Heilongjiang native. As the head of the Aftersales team, I am dedicated to boosting our capabilities through coaching and training each employee, putting every unique skill to good use.
Since my appointment as Aftersales Manager in 2008, I have led the department in providing professional repair and maintenance services for our customers’ automobiles. I feel a tremendous sense of fulfilment every time a client walks away contented with our services.
Later in August 2014, I joined the Porsche Centre Shenzhen Futian, which despite its prime location was a small space with aging facilities. We had to relocate. When the Longgang Centre opened in November 2015, though it was slightly farther from the city centre, it prides itself as the largest Porsche Centre in the south of the Yangtze River with top-notch facilities; I was responsible for selecting a few senior staff to build our Longgang Aftersales team there.
I always find that the most remarkable dishes are those made of distinct ingredients that complement without overshadowing one another. Likewise, in managing the sales competition and staffing arrangements at both the Futian and Longgang centres, it has been my rule of thumb to remain a fair, just, and open manner: to place the right people in roles most suited for them, and to ensure high management transparency by encouraging two-way communication.
Our efforts paid off when we passed the 50-million sales milestone just two years after the opening of the Longgang Centre, and our aftersales team was awarded the honour of Porsche China’s Best Service Excellence Team Award. Through the highs and lows in the six years, not only were the two teams able to maintain their sales competition, but they also collaborated in enhancing customer services, employee training, and information exchange. We organised regular gatherings and participated in the company’s annual basketball and soccer tournaments – seeing the team’s bonding strengthen by the day is for me the silver lining of my job.
With my serious attitude, I am aware that I may not be the most approachable person, but I also appreciate the benefits that this trait has brought into my work. I am very detail-oriented, which is crucial to consistently meeting the Group’s annual target. Personally, my goal is to challenge myself by taking up different roles, so that I may expand my capabilities.
I am grateful to Jebsen for valuing its talent and encouraging its people to keep driving themselves forward. I have taken part in a few training programmes offered by the Group – opportunities which allow me to take my skillset further while also broadening my horizons.
That being said, work comes with its challenges and it won’t always be a smooth-sailing journey. But the sweet times always tide me over the bitter ones. As I seek refuge in good books and great food, I count myself lucky to have found my own kitchen in Jebsen, where I get to savour the rich and varied flavours that life has to offer.