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Community Contribution

Project Morning Star

Staying true to our dedication to improve public health, we joined hands with international non-profit organisation Orbis to launch Project Morning Star in the Chinese mainland in 2011. Over the past 12 years, two five-year plans under the Project have been completed. Kicking off in 2021, Project Morning Star’s third phase aims to improve eye health and vision care for children. We completed the second milestone of Phase III in 2022-2023, helping to improve the capacity of paediatric ophthalmology services in Guangxi and Yunnan and promote eye health knowledge among children.

Life is Art

In 2014, Jebsen launched our “Life is Art” programme to focus on the physical and mental health of children with autism, providing them with more care and equal educational opportunities. Over the past nine years, the programme has introduced 478 course sessions, enlisted 602 Jebsen volunteers and helped 601 children.

“Jebsen Inspiring HK!” Sports Programme

In 2020, Jebsen launched a five-year partnership scheme with the InspiringHK Sports Foundation and introduced the “Jebsen InspiringHK!” Sports Programme to provide long-term sports training opportunities for young students from grassroots families and help promote sports development in grassroots communities.

Jebsen Group Charitable Foundation

The Jebsen Group Charitable Fund was established as part of the Group’s 125th anniversary celebrations, with the clear purpose of generating long-term investment income for charities in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland. Being successfully registered under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap 112) in 2023, the Fund was renamed to Jebsen Group Charitable Foundation (JGCF). The Foundation aims to help local charities grow stronger and continue their vital work, meaning that even more people can benefit from their services. In 2023, the number of JGCF’s charity partners increased to seven with donations totalling HK$7.3 million, contributing to the long-term betterment of society.

Our Progress in 2022

Sustainability Investment

Jebsen’s contribution to sustainability includes HK$13.11 million in donations

Project Morning Star

In 2022-2023, Phase III of “Project Morning Star” was launched, with sub-centres set up in 8 regions and 306 eye health professionals trained in Guangxi and Yunnan (equivalent to 340% of our target amount); 196,612 children have received vision screenings and 127,888 people have engaged in children’s eye health education (equivalent to 135% and 104% of our target figures)

Jebsen Motors Apprentice Programme

Jebsen Motors officially signed a partnership agreement with the Guangdong Advanced Mechanic School of Gao Xin Tech to launch the Jebsen Motors Apprentice Programme. With 14 students given internship opportunities, the selection rate of apprentices is as high as 87.5%

Life is Art

Since the launch of our “Life is Art” Programme in 2014, a total of 601 children have benefited from 478 art courses with the support of 602 Jebsen volunteers

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